Ann Tinkham is a writer based in Boulder, Colorado. She is an anti-social butterfly, pop-culturalist, virtual philosopher, ecstatic dancer, political and java junkie, and Pushcart nominee.
Amazon Author PageAnn Tinkham is a writer based in Boulder, Colorado. She is an anti-social butterfly, pop-culturalist, virtual philosopher, ecstatic dancer, political and java junkie, and Pushcart nominee.
Amazon Author PageAnn Tinkham has ghostwritten and edited over 25 autobiographies, memoirs, novels, business, and self-help books. She has published two story collections, The Era of Lanterns and Bells and Stories I Can’t Show My Mother. Her third collection, Afraid of the Rain, is forthcoming. She cowrote Climbing Mountains in Stilettos (Sourcebooks, 2007).
Her fiction and essays have appeared in Apt, Denver Syntax, Edifice Wrecked, Foliate Oak, Lily Literary Review, Short Story Library, Slow Trains, Synchronized Chaos, The Adirondack Review, The Battered Suitcase, The Citron Review, The Literary Review, Toasted Cheese, Wild Violet, Yellow Scene, Word Riot, and others. Ann’s essay, “The Tree of Hearts” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize and her story, “Afraid of the Rain” was nominated for Sundress’s Best of the Net Anthology.
I really enjoyed this--the quiet artistic rage of it and the absolutely fantastic wit.
Your work impressed the editorial staff with its skillfully written funny, irreverent voice.
Thanks for the read. Orcinus Pas de Deux is strange and beautiful and I love it.
We really enjoyed Treemail.
We found the story engaging and well written (but were a little perplexed by the character's actions).
These stories are very well-written, very nicely plotted, and remarkably clever.