Napili Press was inspired by Maui's Napili Bay, a little bay with big sway. The fierce, unpredictable Pacific Ocean flows into Napili Bay’s moon-shaped shoreline and beckons you into its blue-green waters. While paddling, floating, or swimming in the bay, one can spot sea turtles up close and humpbacks from afar. In the afternoon, clouds drift in and shower the bay with a fine mist accentuated by rainbows. This bay is the one you imagine in your dreams, the one that soothes the spirit and settles the heart while inviting you to imagine what lies beyond in the untamed waters of the Pacific.
Napili Press will curate and publish little works with big heart. We will feature short story collections, which are given the short shrift by the traditional publishing world. Because the standard thinking is: short story collections don’t sell, the short form is often overlooked because it doesn’t monetize. But if only art embraced by the masses was created and promoted, we’d deprive ourselves of some of the most impactful creative works. In the extreme, if we cater to the taste of the masses, we’d be fed a steady diet of Duck Dynasty, Honey Boo Boo, and the Kardashians.